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EECE 2160 Embedded Design Enabling Robotics

The course explores scripting languages, high-level programming, Unix/Linux operating systems, device drivers, software-hardware interfaces, hardware controllers, and digital circuit design. C++, Verilog, and MATLAB are required for this course.

(1) c/c++ programming, array, linked list, OOP

(2) gdb debugger
(3) control leds using gpios/ switches/ buttons /OOP
(4) control the Willmote with USB bluetooth adapter using shell script 
(5) calculator/ counter/ PWM signal design using Simulink
(6) control a robotic arm with designed PWM signal/ read button to change
the pwm and control the servos
(7) interact with a robotic arm with gpio, generated pwm, and multi-threading
(8) control a speaker with verilog
(9) control a 7-segment display with truth table/ logic design/ OOP
(10) snake ladder game design with UI and tone generation with speaker
(11) a piano design with a keypad, a speaker, leds, and a 7-segment display

Teaching: Text
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